After the SDGs briefing session, we distributed a questionnaire to everyone.

We filled in what we are working on for the SDGs on a departmental and/or individual basis as well as what we would like to do in the future.
The following is an excerpt (in the brackets shows his/her department) :
・ Contribute to the prevention of waste of resources by shifting to solid designs from paper drawings (Design)
・ Contribute to energy saving by visualizing power consumption by introducing smart meters, changing the factory lights to LED lighting, and introducing high-efficiency EHP (Design)
・ Contribute to the energy saving, CO2 reduction and climate change prevention by installing solar panels for renewable energy, (CAM)
・ Contribute to the prevention of waste of resources by introducing the tablet terminals to CNC operators (CAM)
・ Contribute to the energy saving by promoting the unmanned CNC machining hours (i.e. reducing the manned machining hours) (CAM)
・ Contributing to sustainable consumption by taking the initiative in using reusable and recyclable cutting tools and air tools (CAM)
・ Contribute to sustainable consumption by regularly inspecting, cleaning, and maintaining CNC machines (Machining)
・ Contribute to sustainable consumption by reducing unused materials and wastes resources (Machining)
・ Contribute to the creation of a gender-equal society by encouraging male employees to take childcare leave (Tryout)
・ Contributes to the usage of clean energy by supplying the electric power by solar panels, and by warming the factory by the heat of mechanical compressors (Tryout).
・ Contribute to maintaining the physical and mental health of employees by setting no overtime days (CAE)
・ Actively hire female engineers to empower and contribute to gender equality (CAE)
・ Contribution to energy saving by rationalizing energy use by introducing new production equipment (Machining)
・ Replace the forklift with a rechargeable type to contribute to global warming countermeasures (Quality Control)
・ Contributes to maintaining the health of employees by assisting them in receiving human docks when they reach a certain age (Quality Control)
・ Contribute to maintain employee health, achieve gender equality, and create a rewarding workplace by promoting remote work and introducing flextime (Sales)
・ Contribute to increased educational opportunities by attending external courses (General Affairs)
・ Contribute to the creation of a rewarding workplace by promoting the acquisition of qualifications (General Affairs)
・ Contribute to climate change countermeasures by subdividing wastes (General Affairs)
(Excerpt is over)
We will continue to seek what we can do to achieve goals of SDGs.